Historical background
A spectacular crag, surmounted by a hillfort in which two
distinct building periods have been identified but which cannot
be dated with any confidence) and in which Roman-British pottery
has been identified. The hill-fort is remarkable for its elaborate
in-turned entrances and double lines of defence.
The character area as a whole is a nesting area for choughs
and cormorants.
Key historic landscape characteristics
Spectacular hillfort location
It would be hard to conceive of a more spectacular location
for a hill-fort; the northern slopes are prohibitively steep,
and the only means of access is along a ridge from the south.
It has a strong visual relationship not only with the lowlands
but with the whole of the Register landscape and forms a visual
counterpoise to Tal y Garreg hillfort.
The boundaries identified here are those of the SSI and a
Special Protected Area. The hillfort itself is also a SAM .
This landscape area comprises rocky crags, acid grassland,
heath and bracken; it is of European importance as a traditional
breeding and roosting site for choughs, which are present throughout
the year, and for cormorants.
The maintenance of a short grassy sward, which provides an
important feeding area for choughs, is considered one of the
factors influencing the number of breeding and roosting birds.
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Landscape Character Map