
Historic Landscape Characterisation

Ardudwy - 29 Wooded hill slopes north of Harlech (PRN 18262)


© Crown copyright. All rights reserved, Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, 100017916, 2005

Historic background

The hillslopes north of Harlech have been wooded since at least the 19th century, and the species present here suggest a much longer period of time. However, early edition OS maps (1889) indicate that at that time most of the property was clear of woodland and was probably used as rough grazing.

Key historic landscape characteristics

Broadleafed woodland

Coed Llechwedd, towards the southern end of the area, was designated an SSSI in 1971 (CCW ref. 31WMY). It is 60ha in extent and set on a steep north-west facing slope at an altitude between 50 – 600ft with base-rich outcrop. Sessile oak is dominant, but there are other species (including blackthorn, ash, wych elm and hazel) and it is unusually diverse. It is also an important woodland for invertebrates and breeding birds. Similar woodland, but less diverse and with less botanical interest exists along the hill slopes to the north east (Coed Careg-wen) to the estate parkland of Glyn Cywarch (similar in type, but a different character area).


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