Historic background
This intermediary area has a complex history,
with a well-preserved series of relict archaeological monuments
including early neolithic burial chambers (Bron y Foel west
and Dyffryn Ardudwy), prehistoric cairns, later prehistoric
hut groups with associated enclosures and small hillfort (Byrllysg).
The complex field pattern or irregular, curvilinear enclosures
(still in use) show a long and complex agricultural history.
A complex of three farms in the upper part
of the area (Bron-y-foel isaf, Bron-y-foel ganol and Bron-y-foel
uchaf) may indicate medieval nucleated settlement, particularly
as there is reference to Bron-y-foel being a substantial medieval
township. There is certainly an interesting set of earthwork
and stone-built archaeological remains around here.
There are a number of interesting (later)
farms in the area, including Meifod-Isa (73 acres) and Meifod-Uchaf
(72 acres) (the only examples from western Meirionnydd). This
could mean ‘May dwelling’ or it could mean ‘middle
dwelling’ between a hendre and a hafod. Their location
is consistent with their being an early summer, or middle,
station between winter and summer dwellings but the evidence
is very scanty. Others include Byrdir, Byrllysg (neighbouring
farms with interesting placenames), Gwerncarnyddion and Llwyneinion
Key historic landscape characteristics
Early prehistoric funerary and ritual
monuments, late prehistoric settlement and field systems,
upland edge encroachment, farmsteads
This area lies on the mid hill-slopes, sandwiched
in part between areas 15 (improved pasture, 19th century enclosures,
woodland) and area 16 (largely unimproved mountain, with 19th
century regular enclosures and many, minor relict archaeological
features). It is similar to area 7. It is quite distinct from
both principally by virtue of its field pattern (indicating
a long and complex agricultural use and history) and its wealth
of relict archaeological sites and monuments (many of which
are scheduled). This area is dominated by irregular, often
sub-circular, large enclosures (although there are a few, later
small regular fields in the lower part of the area around Hwlfa
Lydan which are probably 19th century) and there are many major,
important archaeological monuments (see above); past fieldwork
suggests that many more remain to be found. In plan, the irregular
field pattern and the presence of round hut-based settlement
and a small hillfort suggest that much of the character is
late prehistoric in origin, possibly overlain in the upper
area by subsequent post-medieval encroachment on to the fringes
of the upland waste. Many of the field boundaries are distinctive,
comprising drystone walls over earlier stone rubble banks.
Some are lyncheted while other, especially Bron-y-foel, are
distinctly ‘old’. Again, some of the fields have
been cleared (for agricultural purposes are have been relatively
improved) while others remain full of natural stones and boulders.
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