G2015 Parys Mountain AssessmentSummary report April 2012 – March 2013
Background In the winter of 2012/13 a re-survey of Parys Mountain was undertaken in order to enhance the HER database, based on an original survey by GAT in 1998, undertaken by D.Gwyn (GAT project G1469, Report 292). It is hoped that this will form the first part of a revised Conservation Management Plan of the mountain. The requirements were for a new field survey to be undertaken, and for revised updated text descriptions, updated grid references using gps, and new photographs. This would result in a revised database for inclusion within the HER.
Methods The original survey data was transferred into an HER compatible database and field names updated and amended where necessary. Later surveys and reports were also consulted and additional sites added to the database. All sites were revisited and photographed (where they could be located) and new sites were added to the database. Sites were located using a Trimble GPS where a signal could be received, or a combination of handheld GPS and aerial photographs where no signal could be received on the Trimble. The database was updated and a photographic database completed. Indexes and detailed reports were printed to PDF for the site and photographic databases.